The Foundation...


After we achieved the proper compression on the building pad, it was time to start digging into it...and dig they did. It took 10 full cement truckloads just to pour the foundation, the carport floor, and fill the mason block. Inside the concrete, there is roughly 500 rods of 20' rebar. There's enough steel in the foundation to interfere with your cell phone!! And...looking at the foundation trenches, one can't help but feel a bit like a mouse in a maze. During the process, we had two cement trucks get stuck on the dirt almost took out the new power pole.


The batten boards are used to get everything square and level.

Starting to dig the maze of trenches...

We rated a new power pole...complete with electricity.

Finally...concrete in the ground!!!

This is NOT an illusion...he's really stuck on our drive...

This is the second truck that got stuck...almost took out our power pole...He's calling his wife to say that he'll be late...duh!!
The Players
1. Where it all began... 2. The Building Pad...
3. The Foundation... 4. Going Vertical...
5. Putting On Wood... 6. Getting Trussed...
7. Wrapping It Up... 8. Roughing It In...
9. Doors and Windows... 10. Shingles Going Up...
11. Sheetrocking... 12. Siding...
13. Painting 14. Septic...Evil, but Necessary
15. Water...A necessity 16. All Done