The Players ... | |
Just a glimpse of who is involved in building this house. |
Supervisor #1...Jeannette...It better be like I want it...or else... |
The Working Crew...all of whom are legally able to work in the United States... Left to Right: Rudy...I get fed and a beer later, right? |
Supervisor #2...Susie...If Jeannette doesn't like it...I'll kick your ass... |
Site Security | |
Meet Max and Buster... |
1. Where it all began... | 2. The Building Pad... |
3. The Foundation... | 4. Going Vertical... |
5. Putting On Wood... | 6. Getting Trussed... |
7. Wrapping It Up... | 8. Roughing It In... |
9. Doors and Windows... | 10. Shingles Going Up... |
11. Sheetrocking... | 12. Siding... |
13. Painting | 14. Septic...Evil, but Necessary |
15. Water...A necessity | 16. All Done |